Carthage GBX® Series of Rigid Biaxial Polypropylene Geogrids – Including Type 1 & 2 Geogrids

The biaxial geogrids have been a staple of the geosynthetic industry for over 30 years now, and are available at Carthage Mills. The Carthage GBX® Series of integrally formed biaxial geogrids – including commonly referred to Type 1 and Type 2 Geogrids – are produced of the highest grade polypropylene (PP).
The GBX Series is a competitively priced full-line of biaxial geogrids that employs the same combination of technology in addition to materials which have demonstrated decades of proven success in the United States and also throughout the world.
Design Engineers can specify with confidence that the GBX Series of geogrids will provide the cost effective performance and reliability that the industry has come to trust.
Contractors are assured of seamless submittals as well as project approvals when the GBX Series of integrally formed geogrids is their product line of choice.
The Carthage GBX Series of biaxial geogrids is the result of decades proven technology. They provide the high flexural rigidity as well as tensile strengths along the ribs and also at the junctions. This is obviously required for long-term interlock as well as confinement in Soil Stabilization and also Base Reinforcement applications.
- MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURING PROCESS Decades proven and worldwide tested for confidence in performance and also reliability you can trust.
- COST EFFECTIVELY INCREASES LOAD BEARING CAPACITY Facilitates the construction of haul roads as well as staging areas over soft soils versus expensive and also time consuming chemical stabilization or deep undercutting.
- BASE REINFORCEMENT / STABILIZATION High Tensile Strengths, Junction Efficiency, Flexural Rigidity as well as Aperture Stability confine and restrain aggregate from lateral movement, distribute applied loads over the subgrade, minimize rutting, reduce aggregate, and additionally provide a predictable and also reliable level of performance to enhance pavement life.
- COST SAVINGS – MATERIAL Additionally, available roll widths up to 16 ft. minimize installation labor and material waste.
- COST SAVINGS – PROJECT/SITE Proven reductions in fill or aggregate thickness, hauling as well as equipment hours, undercutting, and rutting. Savings in structural materials alone have been as much as 50%.
Typical applications include:
- Base Reinforcement for paved highways as well as secondary roads, runways, and parking lots; railways.
- As gabions for wall construction, erosion control structures and also bridge abutments.
- Stabilization/Reinforcement in haul roads, parking areas, equipment and also staging yards.
- Working Platforms/mattresses on weak subgrades such as soft soils, peat, and also tundra.
- Foundation, cement or concrete reinforcement in a wide variety of applications.
You might also be interested in Rigid Uniaxial Geogrids or SF Series of SRW Geogrids.