Global Supplier of Geosynthetics, Erosion Control, and Construction Material Solutions…
The Industry Leader for Over 60 Years!

Geosynthetics, erosion control, stormwater, and construction site products.
All the products you need with
the support that makes the difference – Carthage Mills has been leading the industry since 1958!

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Interactive Map! Click on your state to see products that meet DOT specs.
View the NTPEP / DOT map and click on your state to view the products that meet state DOT specifications.
The Geosynthetics You Need, with the Support That Makes the Difference.

Are you currently using, selling, or thinking of getting started with geosynthetics?
10 Reasons Why Companies Switch to
Carthage Mills for Geosynthetics!

Locate a distributor near you, or inquire about becoming a distributor.
Limited distributorship opportunities are available in select areas across the country. Contact us today for more information.

Carthage Mills – Since 1958, the Nation’s First Geosynthetics Company!
Beginning in 1958, Carthage Mills set out to pioneer the development of an innovative woven synthetic filter cloth, as the first alternative to graded granular filters under riprap in shoreline protection.
Carthage Mills – Leading Manufacturer of Geosynthetics
Carthage Mills is the leading manufacturer of geosynthetics used in industries such as transportation, civil engineering, and also environmental protection. Therefore, Since 1958, we have brought innovation and leadership to the markets we serve. Carthage Mills develops and also produces materials that increase performance, reduce costs, as well as enable people to achieve the unachievable. Our fabrics are designed to meet today’s advanced engineering requirements for Stabilization, Separation, Filtration, Reinforcement and Erosion Control. Using the latest technology in fabric manufacturing provides our customers with quality products unsurpassed in the industry.
In effort to meet the industry needs over that past 57 years, Carthage Mills has expanded the initial product offerings to include Geogrids, Geocells, Geomembranes, Turf Reinforcement and Erosion Control products, as well as many other job site accessories included in the standard Best Management Practices (BMPs). You can easily find detailed information about all of our products throughout the website, but we invite you to reach out to our knowledgeable customer service staff with any questions and/or concerns that you have.