Geosynthetic Products » Geogrid

Geogrid | Biaxial Including Types 1 & 2, Uniaxial Woven-Coated, Walls / Slopes

geogrid biaxial

GBX® Rigid Biaxial Geogrid Products – Including Type 1 & 2: These geogrids provide high flexural rigidity and tensile strengths along the ribs and at the junctions. This is required for long-term interlock and confinement in Soil Stabilization and Base Reinforcement applications.

geogrid uniaxial

Carthage UX Rigid Uniaxial Polyethylene Geogrid Products: These products are manufactured from HDPE, provide high resistance to installation damage and chemical or biological long-term degradation. They have also shown no degradation in pH situations as high as 12. These products can be used in both dry and wet-cast environments.

geogrid woven coated

Carthage Mills SRW Geogrids: Are manufactured from high-tenacity, high molecular weight polyester (PET) fibers. The products are available in a full range of tensile strengths. Also, these products are designed to meet the most demanding soil reinforcement applications. This can include Ultimate Tensile up to 29,750 lbs/ft.

What Are Geogrids?

Geogrid products are designed primarily for reinforcement. They are characteristically, integrally connected to elements separated by in-plane apertures. Furthermore, contrary to geotextiles, geogrids are netlike materials with large open spaces called apertures. Apertures are typically 0.5″ to 4.0″ between the ribs.

Geogrids form a distinct category of geosynthetics designed for reinforcement. These products are characterized by a relatively high tensile strength. Additionally, they have uniformly distributed array of large apertures (openings between the longitudinal and transverse elements). The apertures allow soil particles on either side of the installed sheet to come into direct contact. This increases the interaction between the geogrid, the aggregate, and some soils. Also, the apertures ensure vertical drainage of a reinforced free-draining aggregate/soil.

The geogrid elements vary in polymer type and cross-sectional dimensions. Additionally, they can sometimes change shape and dimensions within their length.

Geogrids can be manufactured is a variety of ways:

  • Integrally manufactured with punched and drawn sheets, or extruded
  • Ultrasonically or Adhesive Bonded Strips
  • Joined in a knitting or weaving process, and then coated.

Polymer Types for Geogrids Include:

  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • High Tenacity Polyester That is Coated

Although geogrids are used primarily for reinforcement, some geogrid is used for retaining walls. Additionally, some geogrid products are designed for asphalt overlay and also waterproofing or for separation and stabilization. Geogrids also are used as gabions and sheet anchors, inserted between geotextiles and geomembranes. They are also used to construct mattresses for fills or embankments over soft soils.