Geosynthetic Applications for Geotextiles, Geogrids, and Erosion Control Products

ROADS – Access / Haul Roads | Parking Lots | Highways & Streets (Base Reinforcement)
For low cost, geosynthetic applications can significantly extend the life of everyday structures by preventing the intermixing of subgrade soils and the aggregate base, and/or stabilizing poor subgrades.
- FX® Slit-Film Series of Woven Geotextiles
- FX® – MF High-Performance Series (PP) of Woven Geotextiles
- CX™ Series of Geocells
- GBX™ Series of Geogrids
- FX® – HS Series of Nonwoven Geotextiles

EROSION – Shorelines | Slopes | Swales | Channels | Canals
These were the very first geosynthetic applications of a geotextile in 1958. The fabric, which lies beneath various forms of riprap cover (i.e. rock, gabions and mattresses, concrete pattern-placed units, etc.), allows for free drainage of water while holding back fines thereby preventing shoreline and other erosion.
- Carthage %™ Open Area Series of Woven Monofilament Geotextiles
- FX®–MF High–Performance Series (PP) of Woven Geotextiles
- FX® – HS Series of Nonwoven Geotextiles

DRAINAGE – Subsurface Drainage Geosynthetic Applications
This is one of the most common applications of geotextiles in the construction of roadways, landfills, athletic fields etc, allowing for rapid removal of water or other fluids while providing excellent soil retention, assuring long-term free flowing drainage.
- Carthage %™ Open Area Series of Woven Monofilament Geotextiles
- FX® – HS Series of Nonwoven Geotextiles

EMBANKMENTS – Reinforced / Steepened Slopes
Common applications include earth dams, embankments on soft foundation soils, levees, highway embankments, landslide repair, landfills, dikes and levees.
- FX® High-Strength Series (PET) of Woven Geotextiles
- SF Series of SRW Geogrids
- FX® – MF and TF High-Performance Series (PP) of Woven Textiles
- Carthage CXTM Series of Geocells – CX-30

SRW WALLS – Segmental Retaining Walls
Carthage Mills has partnered with Synteen and is now offering SF Series of SRW Geogrids that are manufactured from high-tenacity, high molecular weight polyester (PET) fibers in a full range of tensile strengths designed to meet the most demanding soil reinforcement applications; including Ultimate Tensile up to 29,750 lbs/ft. Visit the product page for full technical data, available roll sizes, and installation guidelines.
- SF Series of SRW Geogrids
- FX® – HS Series of Nonwoven Geotextiles
- Carthage %™ Open Area Series of Woven Monofilament Geotextiles

ALTERNATIVE WALLS – Other Permanent & Temporary MSE Walls
Several examples of cost-effective Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) structures are temporary roadway detours, wrapped faced walls, highway bridge construction.
- CXW™ Series of Geocells
- SF Series of SRW Geogrids
- FX® – MF and TF High-Performance Series (PP) of Woven Geotextiles
- FX® High-Strength Series (PET) of Woven Geotextiles

PAVEMENTS – Pavement Restoration Geosynthetic Applications
Asphalt overlay fabrics can extend the life of all existing paved areas. These specially manufactured nonwoven geotextiles are first saturated with heated liquid asphalt during installation, and creates a moisture barrier between old and new pavement. In addition, they absorb stresses to retard reflective cracking, thereby improving and extending the overall performance of the new overlay.
- FX® – A/O Series of Asphalt Overlay Fabrics

Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs) are ideal solutions for the short-term challenges of establishing vegetation in low to moderate erosion applications such as: subtle grades to steep 1:1 slopes; swales; moderate flow channels.
- ECB Series of Erosion Control Blankets

ENVIRONMENTAL – Environmental – Landfills
Landfill and waste-containment projects utilize a wide variety protection, drainage, steepened slopes, vegetation/erosion control, gas venting and capping/closures.
- Carthage %™ Open Area Series of Woven Monofilament Geotextiles
- FX® – HS Series of Nonwoven Geotextiles
- FX® – HSE Series of Nonwoven Geotextiles
- FX® – MF and TF High-Performance Series (PP) of Woven Geotextiles
- FX® High-Strength Series (PET) of Woven Geotextiles
- SF Series of SRW Geogrids

LANDSCAPE – Landscape – Ground Cover Fabrics
Landscape fabrics come in a variety of weights and types, from DIY all-purpose to the professional landscaper and nurseries. Their primary functions are separation and friction, weed block, moisture retention, patio/paver underlayment, and drainage filter fabric.
- LX™-WC (Woven/Capped) Landscape Fabrics
- LX™-GC Hi-UV Ground Cover Fabric
- LX™-SB Spunbond Landscape Fabrics

PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL – Turf Reinforcement Mats & ARMORMAX® Engineered Earth Armoring System
Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs) & ARMORMAX® Engineered Earth Armoring System are for those moderate to severe applications that require both permanent and reinforced vegetation in addition to the immediate needs of preventing surface erosion while establishing vegetation.
- TRM – Series of Turf Reinforcement Mats
- ARMORMAX® Engineered Earth Armoring System

AREMA: Constructing Durable, Long-Lasting Railway Systems with FX-160HSE AREMA NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC
The FX-160HSE AREMA geotextile fabric is engineered to tackle the unique challenges of railway construction, offering a comprehensive solution for separation, filtration, and stabilization. The American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) sets rigorous standards for railroad track stabilization, and this product stands out in meeting these specifications.